The laparoscopic gastric bypass is a kind of gastric bypass surgery, which is done by using the laparoscopic technology. The gastric bypass is known as Roux en Y gastric bypass. It is the Bariatric surgeries in which most of part of the stomach. It is stapled surgically across a top to the form a small pouch of stomach as small as the walnut. The pouch is connected to the small intestine, the bypassing large portion of the small intestines.
With the laparoscopic gastric bypass procedures, it can cause the bypass of major portions of the stomach and duodenum. The process will include both restriction and malabsorption process. Although the foods are not lower parts of the stomach, this will secretes the digestive juices in the small intestines.
Performing the laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery
Most surgeons perform the operation of this procedure by using a laparoscope. This is a small tubular instrument with the camera that is attached through short incisions about four to five in the abdomen. There are tiny cameras on top of the scopes which allow the surgeons for seeing inside of the abdomen. It is namely as laparoscopic gastric bypass. It must be remembered that not all of you can be the candidate of laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. If you are in the age of 18 to the age 60 years, BMI is about 40 or more, and have hypertension or diabetes, you can be the candidate for this surgery that provides the all weight loss treatment which has been tried and lost.