liver problems after gallbladder removal

Liver Problems After Gallbladder Removal – How To Live Life Post-Gallblader Removal?

Some scientific sources claim that gallbladder removal is a common surgery. It’s usually not as severe as people think it is. During the recovery procedure, you just have to adapt and adjust a few habitual activities and dietary consumptions to look out for your digestion. The recovery usually takes up 7 to 14 days. But is it possible to live a normal and fair life after a cholecystectomy? What happens after recently undergoing gallbladder surgery? How about liver problems after gallbladder removal?

Apparently, your liver will still produce fluid to help the food digesting process. But unlike before, there’s no more bridge between your liver and intestine. Both your liver and small intestine will adapt to the absence of the gallbladder. Your bile duct might turn out swollen and enlarged a little bit.

So what needs to be done in order to anticipate? A few symptoms might occur in your digestion process. They may not turn out as an alarming postsurgical reaction or complications. But then again, the potential risks might appear anytime to worsen your metabolism. The common one is usually liver problems after the gallbladder removal. If you experience this, please do call a professional. What you can do to prevent any liver problems after the gallbladder removal is to maintain your healthy and balanced eating schedule.

The liver problems after gallbladder removal

The problems are also often caused and developed by post-surgery stress, thus leads to increased heart rates. Some disturbances can appear along the digestion recovery process. You might experience uncomfortable eating, diarrhea, dizziness, etc. If you’re unable to handle the stress impact within your recovery, I suppose it’s time to see a cardiologist. However, postoperative symptoms are very common. There are some ways you can do as first-handling:

  1. Prevent solid foods after the surgery, your digestion function needs to adapt slowly. Eat something softer to prevent nausea and numbness before introducing your digestion back to normal-textured food.
  2. Avoid lifting heavy stuff for 2-4 weeks in recovery.
  3. Have some bed rest if needed, don’t force yourself into doing fatiguing activities.
  4. Attempting to walk every day, take it slow.
  5. Consider making a strict list of dietary habits for some time and continue following it in the long run.

Although the majority of this article is directly dedicated to those who had or about to have gallbladder removal surgery, it can apply to everybody who wants to live and invest themselves in a healthier habit. Liver problems after gallbladder, I guess they can also happen to anybody. Liver problems after gallbladder are usually caused genetically or by a bad liver condition. In most cases, people will do a liver detox. The most basic ways to cleanse your liver and prevent liver problems after gallbladder are:

  1. Avoiding a type of food that’s against your health condition.
  2. Drinking enough water 2-3 liters a day.
  3. Having an appropriate portion size.
  4. Staying fit physically, start activating your exercise schedule.

The liver has always been able to regenerate itself, but bad contamination that usually comes externally can affect and prolong its ability to renew the cells.
