Gastric Bypass Sleeve Surgery Preparations
Gastric bypass sleeve surgery is more popular now. It is taken by the American people that has been spread over the world. Then, it becomes the most favorite way of weight loss because it has many benefits. It will be more affordable, effective, and fast and it is also safe so that you do not need to worry to get it. Before getting this surgery, you need to prepare yourself so that the surgery will be successful and you will get the best result.
So, what should you prepare for gastric bypass sleeve surgery?
1. Start Liquid Diet 2 Weeks Before
Before you get this weight loss surgery, you need to change your lifestyle first. It relates to the diet before the surgery. You can start from the liquid diet. You will be suggested to start it 2 weeks before the surgery. It will be better for you to consult with your dietician or surgeon. It’s purpose to make this surgery safer. With the safer surgery, you will feel the result better and faster.
2. Prioritize Eating Foods with High Protein
If you choose the foods carelessly, you have to choose the foods carefully as the gastric bypass sleeve surgery requirements. One of the requirements is that you need to have 35 or more of the body mass index. You can reach it, if you consume foods with high protein. If you want to get protein, you can find it easily. You can consider eating broths or clear soups. You can eat skim milk. Sugar free foods and beverages can be good for you before getting the surgery. Popsicles can be a good option.
3. Stop Smoking
If you want to get this weight loss surgery, you need to change your lifestyle. You have to stop your bad habits. One of the most common bad habits is smoking. Before taking the surgery, you have to stop smoking. People who are addicted to smoking will be difficult to quit smoking. You need to start reducing smoking long time before this weight loss surgery. It’s purpose to minimize the risk of complications. The surgeons will refuse your surgery if you do not quit smoking.
4. Prepare Your Wears
One of this surgery benefits is that you will lose your weight so fast. It will affect to your wares. You need to prepare to buy smaller clothes. Pants will be a good idea to be prepared. You may have the smaller size of shoes. Then, you will feel the benefits of gastric bypass sleeve surgery soon after that weight loss surgery. You will feel the smaller body, especially in your stomach.
5. Prepare Your Needs for Overnight Hospital Stay
After you get this weight loss surgery, you will not be allowed to go home directly. You have to stay at the hospital for a few days. It will depend on the gastric bypass sleeve surgery recovery time. The recovery time will take from 2 to 5 days. Some cases require the patients to stay overnight up to a week or more if there are some complications or other problems, even though it is very rare to happen. You have to make sure that you will stay at the hospital comfortably after getting the surgery.
6. Prepare Anything at Home
Preparations are needed before taking this weight loss surgery. The preparations do, not only for you, but also at home. It means that anything at home should be prepared properly after you go home. Before you take this surgery, you need to clean your house. Make sure that you have washed your clothes. There are still other preparations that you can do.
7. Know the Details
There are many things that you have to know about gastric bypass sleeve surgery. You need to know that it is a surgery where the surgeon will cut off your gastric or stomach to be smaller. You will have the smaller portion when eating. Then, you lose many nutrients with smaller stomach. You need to get more nutrients. You have to know the side effects and possible complications that may occur to you. All those facts should be known because you have to be really sure before taking this weight loss surgery.
8. Get Protein More and More
What is the most important nutrient that you need to absorb before taking gastric bypass sleeve surgery? That is protein. Protein is needed not only after the surgery, but also before it. It’s purpose to improve your health. It will be able to minimize the problems during and after the weight loss surgery.
9. Prepare Your Mental
A few days before the surgery, you will feel afraid. You have to keep away from this fear. The fear can cause mental down. You need to ask your family or friends to accompany you before and after the surgery until the recovery time ends to keep your mental good. It will be very helpful to keep and increase your mental. Before you take gastric bypass sleeve surgery, you need to ask the support of your families and friends.
10. Plan the Transportation
You need to plant the transportation before and after the surgery. You need to bring pillow so that you will feel comfortable during the trip to your home. It is needed because you will feel painful after gastric bypass sleeve surgery. The pain will go away after a few days. It can be one of the preparations that you have to pay attention. Hopefully this will be a good reference for you before taking this weight loss surgery.
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