weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery

How to Prevent and Treat Weight Gain after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Weight loss surgery becomes more popular because of the effectiveness. When people are too obese, or they fail with their manual diet, weight loss surgery becomes a good solution. One of the best weight loss surgeries is gastric sleeve surgery. Similar to the common weight loss surgeries, the surgeons will cut your stomach so that you will reduce your portion automatically because of your smaller stomach. There are some complications that may happen. Your weight may regain. So, we will discuss about weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery in this article.

The Factors of Weight Gain after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

If your weight regain after you take this surgical weight loss diet, it may be caused by some factors. One of the most common factors is your bad diet. Diet is needed after you take this surgery. You need to control your eating portion. You need to know the allowed foods and beverages. If you eat foods and drink beverages carelessly, it may cause weight gain. So, you have to plan your diet properly.

Bad lifestyle belongs to the causes of weight regain after gastric sleeve surgery. You have to stop your bad habits or lifestyles after the surgery. For example, you have to quit smoking. Smoking does not only danger your heart, but it can affect the complication. Your weight can regain again. You need to avoid alcohol. If you were often drunk, you have to stop this bad lifestyle. You have to change your beverages with the healthier options. Other bad lifestyles should be stopped. Bad lifestyle can be one of the factors causing weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery.

The Tips to Minimize the Risk of Weigh Gain after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

If you want to succeed in this weight loss surgical diet, you have to consider the following tips so that you can prevent weight gain gastric after the surgery. You need to consult with your surgeons and doctors. You will be given the tips and advices to prevent this weight regain. It will be more helpful if you join weight loss surgery support group. You can share with the members each other. It is very useful.

Minimizing the risk can be done before you take the surgery. If you have binge eating disorder, you will have the higher risk of weight regain. You can minimize it by stopping this lifestyle before you take this weight loss surgery. Then, you need to stop this bad habit and as long as possible before the surgery. You should keep this after the surgery too. The eating disorder has a great effect for weight regain for post gastric sleeve surgery, you need to stop it consistently.

If you have a higher body mass index before you take this weight loss surgery, you have a higher risk of weight regain. Even though you are required to have at least 40 of body mass index, you need to have it as minimal as possible. It can reduce the risk. There are many ways to realize it. You can do exercises to lose your weight. You need to control your eating as the preparation to have the smaller eating portion.

Alcohol and drugs can be used for medications as long as they are used under the doctors’ prescriptions. Alcohol and drug abuse will be dangerous for your health. It can cause weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery. If you do not want your weight loss surgical diet useless, you have to make sure that you do not misapply drugs and alcohol. It will be better if you keep away from those two things. It will be very useful for you to minimize the risk of weight regain after gastric sleeve surgery.

After you take this weight loss surgery, you need to have a diet based on your doctors’ and surgeons’ advices. You need to follow what they advise. Then, you need to consult with your doctors and surgeons regularly. You need to consult with them to monitor your weight loss and health progress because you need to pass some phases of post gastric sleeve. If there is a problem related to the side effects, complications, or anything else, you have to tell it so that they will give the solution.

If it is possible, you can consider consuming supplements. Consuming supplements will be a good idea because it is very helpful not only to control your diet, but also increase your health. You have to make sure that the supplements are allowed to consume and recommended for the patients of this surgical diet. So, you need to consult with your doctors before you consume the supplements so that weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery will not happen.

Tips to Treat Weight Gain after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Even though you can minimize the risk of weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery, it is still possible to happen. You have to know how to treat it. There are some tips to treat this problem. Weight regain does not mean that your weight loss surgery has failed. You can treat it by re controlling your diet. Eat the fewer portions and choose the right time. You should prioritize the healthy foods with high protein and other nutrients.

You should pay attention to your activity. If you feel that your weight regain, you need to do some exercises. You do not need to do hard exercises. Easy exercises will be enough as long as you do it regularly. Hopefully this will be good tips for you to prevent and treat weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery.
